
Digital Education Program for Eruptions Exhibition

加lery 1C03 is pleased to launch a digital education program for our recent exhibition,Eruptions, which featured new ceramic installations by Winnipeg artist Grace Nickel. Nickel collects, studies, transforms and memorializes felled trees and forest fragments in porcelain. She references the life cycle of living organisms and considers how the micro struggle for survival reflects the macro crises in which we find ourselves today, with climate change and resulting environmental catastrophes in mind. Nickel’s work evokes messages of fragility and grief, but also hope and resilience.

Our education programconnects teachers, mentors and students with nature and enables them to respond creatively to the need for climate justice. It is formatted in 4-5 sessions with each session about one hour in length, but it can be adapted to meet your needs. Ultimately, participantscreate individual clay beads that will be joined together to form a collective “lifeline” of resilience and hopefor our future and the future of the planet.

This digital education package is appropriate and can be adapted for use by students ingrades 4-12 and adult learnersand isrelevant to Social Studies, ELA and Art curricula.


  • Lesson Plan
  • Slide showof artworks presented in the gallery withimage descriptions
  • Links to supporting resources such asexhibition video tour and artist's talk
  • E-publication withexhibition essay
  • Art activitywith instructions and examples

Download ourflyerfor more information.

To receive the complete digital education program package,email加lery 1C03.
