William Eakin and Craig Love - datumerrata

Gallery 1C03


William Eakin and Craig Love, datumerrata (one image from a portfolio of 12), 2012, digital print, 22" x 17". Photo courtesy of the artists and Martha Street Studio.

September 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015

Gallery 1C03 Foyer, 1st Floor of Centennial Hall

datumerratais a collaboration between Winnipeg artists William Eakin and Craig Love; it is a suite of 12 digital prints embellished with silkscreen. The project began in 2012 when Love discovered Eakin’s collection of glitched and rejected photographs. Love responded to Eakin’s images with associative text in a form of word play somewhat akin to puzzles like FourWord. His rubber-stamped textual embellishments suggest clues to the content of Eakin’s images without circumscribing any particular fixed interpretation. In this way, the meaning of the works is enriched and offered up to the viewer for further consideration. The resulting print edition was produced and first exhibited at Martha Street Studio in 2013. Several of the images fromdatumerratawill be displayed in the foyer of Gallery 1C03 as a complement to the exhibition一个Putting Down of Roots.

William Eakinhas been a practicing artist for 40 years. Receiving his education from the Vancouver School of Art and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Eakin has exhibited his photographs across Canada and in the United States, The Netherlands, France, Japan, and Taiwan. His works can be found in the collections of the National Gallery of Canada, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and the Edmonton Art Gallery among others. He has received numerous grants and awards for his art, most notably the Canada Council for the Arts Duke and Duchess of York Prize in photography and the Manitoba Arts Council’s Manitoba Arts Award of Distinction.

Craig Stuart Lovewas trained in fine arts at both the University of Manitoba and Parson's School of Design at the New School for Social Research. Love’s practice is focused on painting, drawing, writing, and bookmaking. His work has been shown in Winnipeg, Toronto, New York, Istanbul, and in parts of Germany and Australia. He has been awarded funding from the Winnipeg Arts Council, Manitoba Arts Council, and Canada Council for the Arts. Love has taught drawing and painting at the University of Manitoba and at Brandon University.

Gallery 1C03 gratefully acknowledgesMartha Street Studiofor the loan and framing of these works.

Exhibit hours:Monday – Sunday, 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Closed statutory holidays.

datumerratawill be on display on the first floor of Centennial Hall opposite Gallery 1C03’ entrance from September 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Wheelchair accessible.

For more information contact:
Jennifer Gibson总监/负责人
Gallery 1C03, The University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9
Phone: 204.786.9253
