
与m . NourbeS Durational阅读e Philip

z!unTelling the unTold, unDoing the unDone
与m . NourbeS Durational阅读e Philip
December 9, 2020 at 6:00 pm CT

Gallery 1C03 is honoured to invite you to a durational reading byM. Nourbese PhilipWedneSday,12月9日下午6点CTas part of the主权亲密关系展览和作为z!Global 2020.M. Nourbese Philippresents the first online global iteration of the annual durational reading ofz!, her acclaimed book-length poem. The 10-day durational reading commemorates the massacre of some 150 enslaved Africans, which began on November 29, 1781 and continued for the following 10 days. In its eighth year of production, the sequential reading will consist of prerecorded readings/collective performances of the text, interspersed by 3 live simultaneous collective readings. These readings run from11月30日至2020年12月9日最终以这本现场阅读为主持插入当代艺术研究所和presented in partnership withGallery 1C03,with support fromVideo Pool Media Arts Centre.

今年的共同和集体阅读在2015年联合国国际宣布的非洲血统宣言中以“认可,正义和发展”为主题,并纪念那些在Zong上丧生的人。2020’s reading will take place within the still-present context of the worldwide uprising against anti-Black racism sparked by the lynching of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020. While this act of remembrance resides in the particularity of anti-Black racism, it also embraces the words of Civil Rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer that until all are free none is free. With that in mind thez!Global 2020 reading acknowledges and honours the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and the Caribbean—those who first walked this land in love, respect and wisdom and who continue to face the depredations of anti-Indigenous racism. As suchz!Global 2020 bears witness to the collective grief we bear and witness in the face of the ongoing destruction of the earth, our only home.

z!tells the story that cannot be told yet must be told. Equal parts song, moan, shout, oath, ululation, curse, and chant,z!excavates the legal text, the only extant, public document related to the massacre. Memory, history, and law collide and metamorphose into the poetics of the fragment. Through the innovative use of fugal and counterpointed repetition,z!becomes an anti-narrative lament that stretches the boundaries of the poetic form, haunting the spaces of forgetting and mourning the forgotten.

z!戏剧总监和摘录均在三个戏剧性的表演中提出z!在五个国家 /地区的不同艺术家中,已在六个不同的视觉艺术装置中使用了。

View more details and associated performances here.

Born in Tobago,M. Nourbese Philipis an unembedded poet, essayist, novelist, playwright and independent scholar who lives in the space-time of the City of Toronto where she practised law for seven years before becoming a poet and writer.她发表的作品包括开创性She Tries Her Tongue; Her Silence Softly Breaks;the speculative prose poemLooking for Livingston: An Odyssey of Silence;年轻的成人小说,哈丽特的女儿;表演,Coups and Calypsos,以及四本论文集,包括她最近的收藏,blanK.Her book-length poem,z!, is a conceptually innovative, genre-breaking epic,这爆炸了与奴隶制有关的法律档案。Among her awards are numerous Canada Council and Ontario Arts Council grants, including the prestigiousChalmers Award (Ontario Arts Council),加拿大理事会的Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton奖(杰出的中级艺术家),以及Pushcart Prize(USA), thecasa de las美洲(古巴),劳伦斯基金会(USA), theArts Foundation of TorontoWriting and Publishing(Toronto),Dora决赛选手(戏剧)。她的奖学金包括古根海姆,麦克道威尔,Rockefeller (Bellagio).她是两个YWCA Woman of Distinction (Arts)和the伊丽莎白·弗莱叛军的原因awards.她曾是几所大学的驻地作家,也是作家静修的客人。M. Nourbese Philip是2020年的接收者PEN/Nabokov Award for Achievement in International Literature.

是由纳斯林·梅达(Nasrin Himada)和詹妮弗·史密斯(Jennifer Smith)共同策划的小组展览,并在Video Pool Media Arts Center的支持下与1C03画廊合作。该展览会于2020年9月26日至12月20日在ICA的插件插入式ICA举行,其中包括在线演讲,讲习班,放映和诗歌阅读的广泛节目。主权亲密关系探索来自侨民的土著艺术家和艺术家之间的文化和社区交流主题,更具体亚愽娱乐app地说是原住民,因纽特人和梅蒂斯的艺术家与目前所谓的加拿大的艺术家合作,他们来到这片土地上,不属于定居者/属于定居者/该国的殖民历史。该小组展览包括艺术家以及个人的配对,他们的工作是基于过程和关系建立的,以及对于那些在围绕友谊和亲密关系主题的积极概念化的人来说,他们正在努力建立集体愿景主权未来。Due to current health restrictions, the exhibition at Plug In ICA is presently closed.

Gallery 1C03, Plug In ICA and Video Pool Media Arts Centre are on Treaty 1 Territory. We are located on the territories of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.


For more information, contact:

詹妮弗·吉布森(Jennifer Gibson), Director/Curator, Gallery 1C03
