The University of Winnipeg

Inuit Nunangat以南:在线对话

Inuit Nunangat以南:在线对话
2:30 - 3:30 pm

Watch a recording of the conversation onYou Tube

请加入我们参加这项特殊活动,该活动首先与Alootook ipellie:行走看不见边界的两面巡回展览,在画廊展出1C03 from February 27 - March 13, 2020. The exhibition was produced by Carleton University Art Gallery and curated by Sandra Dyck, Heather Igloliorte and Christine Lalonde.

Alootook Ipellie(1951-2007)出生于Baffin Island的Nuvuqquq,在Iqaluit长大,然后于1960年代后期移居渥太华就读高中。在接下来的四十年中,他主要在渥太华度过,他担任艺术家,作家,编辑和漫画家。他经常将自己描述为“生活在两个世界中” - 北部和南方 - 他出色的创造力反映了他为和解这些世界的终生斗争。

展览联合策展人希瑟·伊格洛利特(Heather Igloliorte)(Nunatsiavut)将与目前居住在温尼伯(Winnipeg)的三名Urban Inuit妇女进行公开对话,讨论她们在Inuit Nunangat以外的生活和工作。演讲者包括文化倡导者Nikki Komaksiutiksak,建筑研究生Nicole Luke和策展人/艺术家Jocelyn Piirainen。

This event has been made possible, in part, by funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and with support of The University of Winnipeg History department and the曼尼托巴因纽特人协会。Presented as part of文化日

Featured speakers:

Heather Igloliorte博士(Inuk, Nunatsiavut) holds the Tier 1 University Research Chair in Circumpolar Indigenous Arts and is an associate professor in the Department of Art History at Concordia University in Montreal, QC. Heather leads the因纽特人的期货领导力:pilimmaksarniq/ pijariuqsarniq项目,which aims to empower circumpolar Indigenous peoples to become leaders in the arts through training and mentorship. Heather has been a curator for fifteen years and has been published by Duke University Press,Art Journal, TOPIA, PUBLIC,McGill - Queen’s University Press,RACAR,,,,and the Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, among others.

Nikki Komaksiutiksak是来自Nunavut的切斯特菲尔德入口处的因纽特人。她是五岁的母亲,是Tunngasugit Resource Center的联合创始人兼代理执行董事,该中心提供一线服务,以协助穿越城市过渡到城市生活。尽管温尼伯现在是她的家,但妮基(Nikki)找到了保留她在加拿大南部地区的“ Inukness”的力量。她通过向他人教授因纽特人的历史和文化以及通过喉咙唱歌和发自内心的音乐表演来表现出对自己的文化身份的热情。尼基(Nikki)代表曼尼托巴省(Manitoba)和因纽特(Inuit)参加了1996年亚特兰大奥运会夏季奥运会,最近是温尼伯(Winnipeg)2015年的土著音乐奖。她与当地的加拿大人才一起录制了音乐,包括弱者,黛安特拉·彭纳(Demetra Penner)和摩西·梅斯(Moses Mayes)。Nikki确实认为,在整个加拿大,对因纽特人的文化都得到纪念,认可和庆祝至关重要。

Nicole Luke是一个城市的INUK,对文化和设计充满热情。妮可(Nicole)出生于诺华(NWT),最初来自努纳武特(Nunavut)的基瓦利克(Kivalliq)地区。She has lived in Winnipeg for the majority of her life and received her Bachelor of Environmental Design degree from the University of Manitoba in 2019. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in the Faculty of Architecture and plans to graduate in the Spring of 2021. Nicole aspires to become one of the first Inuit architects. She is focused on the design realities communities face within rural and non-rural areas and believes the built environment is a key factor in socio-economic agency. She is committed to indigenous initiatives and well-being as well as sustainable building practices.

Jocelyn Piirainen是NU的Ikaluktutiak(剑桥湾),目前在温尼伯美术馆担任因纽特人艺术的助理策展人。当不作为策展人工作时,Piirainen的教育背景专注于艺术,尤其是电影和新媒体。她目前的艺术实践主要涉及模拟摄影和电影 - 主要是在宝丽来和超级8胶片中实验。她为出版物做出了贡献,例如Canadian Art,,,,加拿大地理andInuit Art Quarterly。除此之外,Piirainen还在少数画廊和艺术家经营的中心设计和开发了各种展览,策展项目,放映和艺术节,包括位于渥太华的锯视频协会和多伦多安大略省的美术馆,。

For more information, contact:
Jennifer Gibson,,,,Director/Curator, Gallery 1C03
