Business & Administration

Chair’s Message

Welcome to the Department of Business and Administration.

尽管温尼伯大学是一个相对年轻的学术系,但我们是最大的学术系之一,有一次与我们一起学习1200多位学位的学生。亚愽国际app下载我们以卓越的教学方式而闻名,并且确实以自己的卓越教学为荣。在课堂上,我们鼓励学生寻找方法think criticallyabout current events, use the skills we impart to them toidentifyissues/variables/parameters, and finally apply what they learn tosolvecomplex real-world and simulated business problems. The result is that our students have gone on to work in a variety of fields in business and government, while countless others have leveraged their entrepreneurial spirit and started their own highly-successful businesses (for instance,CoPilot Co.,PitCrewandAlivio Office Solutions). We are quite proud of our graduates. Below is video of Reid and Austin from CoPilot Co. about their creative agency here in Winnipeg and their time with us here in the Department:

Our academic staff are, quite simply, world-class. They come to us from all over the world and hold higher degrees from some of the most cutting-edge and prestigious academic institutions. We continue to welcome new colleagues almost every year to meet the increasing demand for our degrees. Our staff reflect a massive range of diversity in direct corporate experience, global research relevance/impact and education. This not only translates into an enviable research profile for our growing Department, but in almost all cases they bring that experience and insight directly to the classroom. This means students are at the cutting edge of knowledge generation and debate.

The pandemic threw us (and everyone else) a curveball in 2020. Our entire team, however, rose to the challenge and delivered our entire curriculum online without sacrificing quality and integrity. Our ability to do this so smoothly did not, I am pleased to say, surprise anyone, as we simply operationalised the very same tools and techniques that students learn about in our courses.

We now look to the future. With a few exceptions, most of our courses for the Autumn 2021 semester will be online. We are, however, cautiously optimistic and hopeful that more will be in person for the Winter 2022 semester. Our academic staff are deeply committed to ensuring you have the best opportunity to learn and engage with the material and fellow students in your courses. If you have questions, check out our comprehensive list offrequently asked questions.


David Timothy Duval
Acting Department Chair
