Academic Awards

The Collegiate

The following definitions apply for these awards:

FULL-COURSE:a minimum of four credits completed at The Collegiate between May and the following April (Spring, Summer and the following Fall/Winter).

FULL-TIME:a minimum of four credits completed at The Collegiate during the Fall/Winter Session.

NOTE:Students who are enrolled in an accelerated status program will be considered on an individual basis.

99.9 BOB-FM Collegiate Scholarship, Grades 10 - 12

奖学金是由fr的礼物om Bell Media Radio Winnipeg and 99.9 BOB-FM. One scholarship will be awarded for each of Grades 10,11, and 12. Students must have high academic standing and demonstrated participation in The Collegiate’s Music Program.

Charlotte Marie Kennedy Memorial Scholarship, Grade 12
Established in 1986 by the family and friends of Charlotte Marie Kennedy, this scholarship is awarded annually to a returning full-time Grade 12 student who shows high academic promise and financial need.

The Collegiate Alumni Association Award, Grade 12
This award will be given to the full-time graduate who was registered as a full-time student in Grade 11 during the previous Fall/Winter Session and who showed a significant improvement from Grade 11 to Grade 12.

Danny Bubis and Manitoba Cycling Association Collegiate Scholarship
This scholarship will support a Collegiate athlete going into Grade 11 or 12 who is registered with the MB Cycling Assoc. and competing at national or international level. Recipients must have a minimum average of 85%.

Derek Wong Memorial Award for Academic Excellence Scholarship, Grade 12
This award was established by the family and friends of Derek Wong, a graduate of The Collegiate who had a strong interest in leukemia research. It will be awarded to the full-time student who obtains the highest final combined grade in Biology 40S and Chemistry 40S.

Evelyn V. Mills Prize Mathematics 40S, Grade 12
To be awarded to the student who obtains the highest final mark in Mathematics 40S.

The Henry Rieff Stewart Memorial Scholarship for Adult Learners, Grade 12
This award is given to a student who entered The Collegiate on Mature Status, who completed at least 3 credits at The Collegiate in any session(s), and who demonstrated good academic achievement and effort.

Howie Goldberg Memorial Award, Grade 12
Established in the memory of Howie Goldberg, a 1984 graduate of The Collegiate, this award is to be given to the full-time graduate who intends to register at a Manitoba University and who achieves the highest standing in five 40S academic credits, including English 40S. While the scholarship will be announced at the Spring Graduation Exercise, it will be awarded the following September upon proof of registration at a Manitoba University.

Irene Bennett Memorial Award, Grade 11
This scholarship commemorates Irene Bennett who managed Tony’s Canteen from 1977 to 1992. It will be awarded to the full-time student in Grade 11 with a demonstrated interest in the arts and high academic
achievement in a full-time Grade 10 program.

The Irving L. Hechter Memorial Award, Grade 12
This award is given to a student with high academic standing, participation in extra-curricular endeavors in and out of school, and has been accepted to study in the Faculty of Education at any Manitoba post-secondary institution.

Jeffrey and Andrew Walker Collegiate Award, Grade 12
This award was established by Acsion Industries Inc., in commemoration of Collegiate Alumni Jeffrey Walker (’09) and Andrew Walker (’12) and their wish to thank The University of Winnipeg Collegiate for the contribution that it has made to their lives. The award will be given annually to the most improved student among the graduating class. The award will be used towards the purchase of books at The University of Winnipeg Bookstore.

John Bulman Collegiate Scholarship, Grade 12
This scholarship is awarded to a Collegiate student continuing from Grade 11 who is actively involved in and committed to the life of The Collegiate and/or the community. Financial need may be taken into consideration.

John De Jong Collegiate Alumni Scholarship, Grade 12
Established by Daisy (De Jong) Webster in memory of her father, John De Jong, this scholarship is awarded to a full-time Grade 12 student who completed a full-time Grade 11 program with high academic achievement and who intends to enter University.

John Ting Memorial Scholarship, Grade 12
This scholarship was established by friends and family in memory of John Ting. John was an exceptional instructor and administrator at The Collegiate from 1972 until his death in 2002. It will be awarded to the graduating international student with the highest combined mark in Grade 12 English and a Grade 12 science (Biology 40S, Chemistry 40S, Computer Science 40S, or Physics 40S).

Kathy Cullen (O’Connell) Memorial Scholarship, Grades 9 - 12
This scholarship is established in memory of Kathy Cullen (O’Connell), whose career at The Collegiate spanned 29 years, from 1981 to 2010. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a new or returning full-time student at The Collegiate in Grades 9,10,11, or 12, demonstrating good academic standing. Financial need may be a consideration in the selection process. Preference will be given to a newcomer to Canada.

Lawrence F. Schmidt Memorial Award for Mature Students, Grade 12
This award is given to a student who entered The Collegiate on Mature Status, who completed at least three credits at The Collegiate in any session(s), and who demonstrated good academic achievement and effort.

Murray Memorial Prize in English 30S, Grade 11
Awarded to the student who obtains the highest final mark in English 30S.

R.O.A. Hunter Collegiate Alumni Award, Grades 9 - 12
This award is given to a student with good academic performance and active participation in The Collegiate Athletic Program.

罗伯特·安德森纪念奖奖学金,草des 9 - 12
This award will be given to the full-time student with high academic achievement and excellent all-round participation in the life of The Collegiate.

Tomlinson Memorial Scholarship, Grade 11
This scholarship commemorates Lorne A. Tomlinson, Dean of The Collegiate (1957-1970). It will be awarded to the returning full-time student in Grade 11 with the second-highest standing in a complete Grade 10 program.

Tomlinson Memorial Scholarship, Grade 12
This scholarship commemorates Lorne A. Tomlinson, Dean of The Collegiate (1957-1970). It will be awarded to the returning full-time student in Grade 12 with the highest standing in a complete Grade 11 program.
