
Program requirements for both streams

Full-time studentswill normally complete this program of study over atwelve-month period. Students also may be enrolled in the program on apart-time basis, normally completing the program requirements in two years. All students take4 full-course equivalents(24 credit hours), including the required course in Research Methods and Practice.

Minimum course and graduation requirements

A minimum of 24 credit hours of course work is mandatory. Students should arrange their specific distribution of courses in consultation with the Graduate Coordinator or designate. Students are required to obtain a minimum grade of B (grade point of 3.0) in all courses presented for graduation.

  • Expected Time to Graduate: 12 months
  • Maximum Time to Graduate: 3 years

Note: A three-credit-hour course is typically a one-term or half course. A six-credit-hour course is typically a two-term or full course.

All studentsare required to takeGENG-7103/3 Research Methods and Practice, andall Curatorial Practices studentsmust takeGHIST-7831(6) Practicum in Curatorial Studies/GENG-7831(6) Special Studies in Cultural Theories and Practices.

GENG-7104/3 Concepts in Cultural Studies,which is offered in Fall term,is highly recommended for all incoming MA students.This course examines some of the fundamental texts and concepts in cultural theory and contemporary cultural studies to illuminate the project of cultural studies as an academic field.

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