

Calligraphy (image courtesy of Albert Welter)


EALC-1100(6)日语简介(LE3/LA1)This course introduces students to the modern Japanese language. The aim of this course is to provide a solid base in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation through speaking, listening, writing, and reading exercises. Students are introduced to Japanese syllabary (hiragana and katakana) and basic Japanese characters (kanji). In addition to providing the basis for further research for EALC students interested in Japanese studies, the course is of interest to a variety of students from various disciplines interested in acquiring basic Japanese language skills.
限制:Native speakers of Japanese or students who have standing in Japanese 40S or equivalent are not eligible to take this course. Students may not receive credit for both this course and the former REL-2020(6).

EALC-2100(6)中级日语(LE3/LA1)在本课程中,学生通过作业,小组工作以及讲话,聆听,写作和阅读方面的练习来扩展他们对日本语法和词汇的了解。希望学生能够读写Hiragana,Katakana和一些汉字,并掌握发音和基本的日语语法。除了为对日本研究感兴趣的EALC学生提供进一步研究的基础外,这本课程对希望提高其语言能力的日本学生感兴趣。先决条件EALC 1100(6) or equivalent.限制:Native Speakers of Japanese are not eligible to take this course.

EALC 3100(6)高级日本在本课程中,学生通过先进的交流和书面练习来完成日语学习的本科学习。亚博网站网址特别强调社会科学读物,使学生能够在课程结束时阅读和理解日语报纸文章。还鼓励学生参加曼尼托巴日本演讲大赛的高级水平。先决条件EALC-2100(6) or permission of instructor.

出售的数字(图片由Albert Welter提供)


EALC-1200(6) INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE LANGUAGE (Le3/La1)本课程向学生介绍现代标准中文(普通话)。该课程的目的是通过讲话,聆听,写作和阅读练习来提供词汇,语法和发音的坚实基础。除了为对中国研究感兴趣的EALC学生提供进一步研究的基础外,对来自有兴趣获得基本汉语技能的各种学科的各种学生感兴趣的课程。限制:本课程不是针对中国母语的人,包括普通话以外的其他方言。学生可能不会获得本课程和前Rel-2030(6)的学分。

EALC-2200(6) INTERMEDIATE CHINESE LANGUAGE (Le3, La1)本课程是对中文(普通话)的介绍的延续,是对中文的口语和书面形式的研究,具有更高级,更先进的语法结构和书面字符。同等的重点是说话,聆听,阅读和写作。还解决了中国词典用法。除了为对中国研究感兴趣的EALC学生提供进一步研究的基础外,本课程是各种感兴趣的学生s who wish to improve their Chinese language skills.先决条件:本课程向接受中文介绍的学生开放(EALC 1200(6)或同等学历,或者中文能力符合入门课程的期望。没有先决条件的学生必须获得教师的许可。限制:除普通话以外的方言发言人必须获得教师的许可才能参加本课程。

EALC-3007(6) INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL CHINESE (Le3)This course introduces students to Classical Chinese language grammar, style, and the use of traditional characters, through the reading of excerpts from traditional Chinese literature, the basis from which all forms of the Classical Chinese writing system, in Japan and Korea as well as China, developed. Special attention is given to texts from ancient China’s intellectual and religious traditions, Confucianism and Daoism (Taoism). The course assumes no prior knowledge of Chinese.限制:接受古典中文培训的学生无法获得。学生可能不会为此获得信贷和前Rel-2007(6)。CROSS LISTED:Religion & Culture REL-3007(6).

Kabuki Theatre (image courtesy of Albert Welter)


EALC-1300(6) INTRODUCTION TO KOREAN LANGUAGE (Le3/La1)This course introduces students to the modern Korean language. The aim of this course is to provide a solid base in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation through speaking, listening, writing and reading exercises. Students are introduced to the Korean characters known as Hangul. In addition to providing the basis for further research for Religious Studies students interested in Asian religions, the course is of interest to a variety of students from various disciplines interested in acquiring basic Korean language skills.先决条件:Permission of the instructor.RESTRICTION:韩国人的母语者或在韩国40多岁或前Rel-2040(6)或同等学历的学生没有资格参加本课程。

EALC-2301(3) Intermediate Korean I(Le3/La1)Intermediate Korean I is the first term of intermediate Korean language. The course is designed for students who have completed Introduction to Korean or the equivalent. To complete Korean language at the中级,学生必须继续进入中级韩国II。基于他们对韩语的了解,学生学习了更高级的词汇,语法和惯用表情。学生还通过教科书和视听媒体了解韩国文化。鼓励学生说尽可能多的韩语,以提高他们的口头沟通能力。总体而言,该课程旨在提高阅读,写作,口语和听力技巧的中级水平。实验课程 - 本课程以试用为基础提供,以评估对该主题的兴趣。成功完成本课程的学生按照指示获得学分。RESTRICTION:学生不得为此课程和EALC-2300持有学分。先决条件:EALC-1300, or equivalent.

EALC-2302(3)中级韩国II(Le3/La1)Intermediate Korean II is the second term of intermediate Korean language. The course is designed for students who have already completed Intermediate Korean I in addition to Introductory Korean or the equivalent. Building on their knowledge of Korean, students learn more advanced vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions used in traditional and modern Korean. Students also learn about Korean culture through the textbook and audiovisual media. Students are encouraged to speak as much Korean as possible to improve their oral communication skills. Overall, the course aims to develop intermediate-level proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.Experimental Course -本课程由试用基础提供,以评估对该主题的兴趣。成功完成本课程的学生按照指示获得学分。RESTRICTION:学生不得为此课程和EALC-2300持有学分。先决条件:EALC-2301, or equivalent.
