
Candida Rifkind

Candida RifkindTitle:Professor and UW SSHRC Leader

Candida Rifkind拥有Dalhousie University(NS Halifax,NS)的英语文学学士学位,Concordia University(蒙特利尔,PQ)的英语硕士学位和约克大学(安大略省多伦多)的英语博士学位。她专门研究替代漫画和图形叙事,加拿大流行和政治写作以及女权主义自动/传记理论。

In addition to numerous articles in comics studies and Canadian studies, Dr. Rifkind’s most recent book is the co-edited collection记录漫画中的创伤:创伤的过去,具体的历史和图形报道(帕尔格雷夫,2020年),她还共同编辑了《 2020年春季特刊》,《 A | B自动|传记研究》(35.2)关于“图形生活叙事中的迁移,流亡和侨民”。她共同编辑的学术收藏加拿大图形:描绘生活叙事(Wilfrid Laurier UP,2016年),赢得了2016年加布里埃尔·罗伊(Gabrielle Roy)的最佳书籍加拿大文学批评奖。她的学术专着,Comrades and Critics: Women, Literature and the 1930s Canadian Left(University of Toronto Press, 2009), received the 2009 Ann Saddlemyer Award for the best book published on a Canadian theatre topic. She recently collaborated with a team of UW and U of Manitoba researchers onIndigenous Comics and Graphic Novels: An Annotated Bibliography(open access resource hosted by Jeunesse).

Upcoming publications include a special issue of加拿大文学她共同编辑“过去,礼物,加拿大漫画的未来”(即将于2022年11月)和共同编写的教科书The Routledge Introduction to Auto/biography in Canada(即将于2022年12月)。

Rifkind博士目前正在与Dominic Davies共同创作一本学术书籍Graphic Refuge: Mobility and Visuality in Refugee Comics(Wilfrid Laurier University Press, forthcoming 2023). She is Past President of the漫画研究Society, serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of the journals加拿大文学, Studies in Canadian Literature,墨水,是1BUW 2019。她是新的Wilfrid Laurier University Press Book Series Crossing Lines:跨文化/跨国漫画研究(与Barbara Postema和Nhora Serrano)的共同编辑。网站:www.candidarifkind.com。

Graphic narratives and alternative comics; Canadian literatures and cultures; life writing.





(W) ENGL-3980-771 Topics in Comics and Graphic Novels

Comics and Graphic Narratives; Canadian Literatures and Cultures; Life Writing/Autobiography; Screen and Cultural Studies.





with Camille Callison and contributions by Niigaan James Sinclair, Sonya Ballantyne, Jay Odjick, Taylor Daigneault, and Amy Mazowita. “Introduction: Indigenous Comics and Graphic Novels: An Annotated Bibliography.”jeunesse11.1(2019):139-155。

与泰勒·迪尼亚特(Taylor Daigneault),艾米·马索维塔(Amy Mazowita)和卡米尔·卡里森(Camille Callison)在一起。“Indigenous Comics and Graphic Novels: An Annotated Bibliography.”jeunesse11.1 (2019): i-xxxvi.


与Nima Naghibi和Eleanor Ty,男女同校。特刊a/b Auto/Biography Studies关于“图形生活叙事中的移民,流放和侨民”。35.2(2020春季)。

与多米尼克·戴维斯(Dominic Davies)共同编辑。记录漫画中的创伤:创伤的过去,具体的历史和图形报道。Palgrave研究漫画。帕尔格雷夫,2020年。

Co-edited with Linda Warley.加拿大图形:描绘生活叙事。Life Writing Series. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2016. Print.

Comrades and Critics: Women, Literature, and the Left in 1930s Canada。Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.



“移民拘留漫画和同情的美学技术。”Documenting Trauma: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories & Graphic Reportage in Comics.eds。Dominic Davies and Candida Rifkind. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels. Palgrave, 2020. 297-316.

与杰西卡·丰丹(Jessica Fontaine)在一起。“土著性和中间性Will I See?” Graphic Indigeneity: Comics in The Americas and Australasia。ed。弗雷德里克·路易斯·奥尔达玛(Frederick Luis Aldama)。密西西比州的U,2020年。34-60。

“The Elements of a Life: Lauren Redniss’s Graphic Biography of Marie Curie.”The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship,10.1,2020年2月24日。Doi:http://doi.org/10.16995/cg.178

“GenevièveCastrée的未修剪床:年轻女性漫画家的图形回忆录和数字来源。”The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.2018年9月18日。DOI: http://doi.org/10.16995/cg.128

“Memory and Black Visuality in Ho Che Anderson's国王。”加拿大图形:描绘生活叙事。eds。Candida Rifkind and Linda Warley. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2016. 177-206.

“塞思的生物摄影乔治·斯普特(George Sprott)(1894-1975)。”Material Cultureseds。Jennifer Blair and Tom Allen. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2015. 225-46.

“科学图形传记的眼睛。”传记:跨学科季刊Special Issue on Auto/biography in Transit. Eds. Jason Breiter, Orley Lael Netzer, Julie Rak, Lucinda Rasmussen. 38.1 (Winter 2015): 1-22.

“设计和消失:视觉怀旧和加拿大公司小镇。”加拿大文学和Cultural Memoryeds。辛西娅糖和埃莉诺·泰。多伦多:牛津大学出版社。2014年。68-93。书评这里


"Norman Bethune and the Contested Spaces of Canadian Public Memory."Contested Spaces: Counter-Narratives and Culture from Below.eds。Roxanne Rimstead和Domenic A. Beneventi。多伦多大学出版社,2019年。212-240。

“The Returning Reader: Canadian Serial Fiction and Mazo de la Roche’sJalna。”Middlebrow Literary Cultures: The Battle of the Brows, 1920-1960eds。Mary Grover and Erica Brown. London: Palgrave, 2012. 171-86.

“当骑警是现代媚俗时:登上的伦弗鲁的系列诱惑。”英语Studies in Canada37.3-4(2011):123-46。Winner of theF.E.L.普里斯特利奖,承认并承认发表的最佳文章英语Studies in Canada在过去的一年。

“领奖台的技术:蒙特利尔大屠杀诗歌和女权主义反公众。”打开信封。诗学和公共文化的特刊。eds。莉莉·乔(Lily Cho)和梅琳娜(Melina Baum-Singer)。12.8(2006年春季):46-59。

“离家太近:中伯反现代主义和埃德娜·贾克斯的感性诗歌。”加拿大研究杂志39.1 (Winter 2005): 90-114.

研究Methods & Pedagogy

“研究图形传记的研究方法。”研究Methodologies for Auto/biography Studies。eds。Ashley Barnwell and Kate Douglas. Routledge, 2019. 68-75.

“The Work of Teaching Women’s Auto/Bio Comics.”A/B:自动/传记研究33:3 (2018): 725-734. DOI:10.1080/08989575.2018.1499525

“Graphic Narratives.”下一步是什么?自动研究的未来。规格问题在于A/B:自动/传记研究。eds。Emily Hipchen and Ricia Anne Chansky. 32.2 (2017): 187-90.

“图形生活叙事和教导失败的艺术。”教学生活:当代生活叙事的教学法。规格问题在于A/B:自动/传记研究。eds。劳里·麦克尼尔(Laurie McNeill)和凯特·道格拉斯(Kate Douglas)。32.1(2017)。104-7。重印:教学生活:当代生活叙事教学法, Routledge, 2017.
