
Kathryn Ready

Kathryn ReadyTitle:Associate Professor


Dr. Kathryn Ready has general interests in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century British literature and culture, with particular interests in women writers, genders and sexualities, religion, politics, and science and literature. She received a SSHRC Standard Research Grant for a monograph project on the Aikins, a famous literary and Dissenting family that includes Anna Letitia Barbauld, John Aikin, Arthur Aikin, and Lucy Aikin. She has published many articles in eighteenth-century and Romantic studies and coedited a collection on Anglo-French sociability in the eighteenth century.


Eighteenth-century studies; the novel; women’s writing; genders and sexualities; and science and literature.


(W) ENGL-1000-008 English 1A

(FW) ENGL-2142-001 Field of Literary and Textual Studies

(FW) ENGL-2601-001 The Novel



“From Moated Castle to Modern Parlour: Anna Letitia Barbauld’s Theorization of Wonder, Women, and the Novel”流明卷。39,2020,第113–131页。


“John Aikin, Joseph Addison, and Two Eighteenth-Century Eastern Tales of Remembered Metempsychosis,” inAnimals and Humans: Sensibility and Representation, 1650-1820,由凯瑟琳·昆西(Katherine Quinsey)编辑(牛津UP,2017年),第119-39页。

“Anna Letitia Barbauld’s ‘To Mr. Barbauld, with a Map of the Land of Matrimony’ and the History of Sentimental Cartography,’”欧洲思想的历史卷。42,不。3,2016,第350-63页。

“Meliorating Much?: Malthus, the Aikin Family, and Post-Revolutionary Dissenting (and Gender) Politics,”欧洲浪漫的审查卷。27, no. 3, 2016, pp. 341–49.

“‘Who on French wit has made a glorious war?’: The Bluestockings and French Salon Sociability,” inL’ Art de I 'échange: Modéles, formes etpratiques de la sociabilité entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne au XVIIT siécle/The Art of Exchange: Models, Forms and Practices of Sociability between Great Britain and France in the Eighteenth Century, edited by Kathryn Ready and Thierry Belleguic (Hermann, 2015), pp. 135–56.

“In the Groves of the Academy: The Aikin Family, Sociability, and the Liberal Dissenting Academy,”流明卷。34,2015,第25-38页。

“权利吗?:温尼伯大学的加拿大人权博物馆和硕士学位亚愽国际app下载教育和教育学的审查卷。37,2015,第254–60页(与Serena Keshavjee博士合着)

“反对爱国者:安娜·巴巴尔德(Anna Barbauld),约翰·艾金(John Aikin)和古典共和主义在理性异议中的话语,”欧洲思想的历史卷。38,不。4,2012,第527-49页。

“奢侈品和托比亚斯·斯莫勒特(Tobias Smollett)Humphry Clinker,”The Eighteenth-Century Novel卷。9, 2012, pp. 15370.

“‘And Make thine own Apollo Doubly thine’: John Aikin as Literary Physician and the Intersection of Medicine, Morality, and Politics,” in反对的思想:Aikin Circle,c。1760年代至c。1860年代,由Felicity James和Ian Inkster编辑(Cambridge UP,2011年),第70-93页。

“Mind versus Matter: Anna Aikin Barbauld and the ‘Kindred Arts’ of Painting and Poetry,”Eighteenth-Century Women卷。6, 2011, pp. 231–53.

“Dissenting Heads and Hearts: Joseph Priestley, Anna Barbauld, and Conflicting Attitudes towards Devotion within Rational Dissent,”Journal of Religious History卷。34, no. 2, 2010, pp. 174–90.

“读玛丽作为读者:但丁·加布里埃尔和克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂的玛丽安艺术,”维多利亚时代的诗歌卷。46, no. 2, 2008, pp. 151–74.

“反对社交能力和盎格鲁裔美国人的背景:威廉·埃莱里·钱宁和露西·艾金的对应关系,”Symbiosis卷。9, no. 2, 2005, pp. 117–34.

“The Enlightenment Feminist Project of Lucy Aikin’s关于妇女的书信(1810),“欧洲思想的历史卷。31, 2005, pp. 435–50.

“From the Stage to the Closet: Hannah More’s Abandonment of Theater,”Eighteenth-Century Women卷。5, 2005, pp. 185–214.

“Identity, Character, and Gender: Anna Barbauld’s Debt to Pope’s ‘Characters’ of Men and Women,”Women’s Writing卷。11, no. 3, 2004, pp. 377–98.

“‘What then, poor Beastie!’: Gender, Politics, and Animal Experimentation in Anna Barbauld’s ‘The Mouse’s Petition,’”18世纪的生活卷。28, no. 1, 2004, pp. 92–114.

“Hannah More and the Bluestocking Salons: Commerce, Virtue, Sensibility, and Conversation,”约翰逊时代卷。15, 2004, pp. 197–222.

“Damaris Cudworth Masham, Catharine Trotter Cockburn, and the Feminist Legacy of Locke’s Theory of Personal Identity,”18世纪研究卷。35,第4期,2002年,第563–76页。

“Sara Jeannette Duncan’s今天的女儿: Nineteenth-Century Canadian Literary Feminism and the Fin-de-siècle Magic-picture Story,”加拿大文学卷。173,2002,第95-112页。

“The Marian Lyrics of Jacopone da Todi and Friar William Herebert: The Life and the Letter,”方济会研究卷。55, 1998, pp. 221–35.


l'Art del'échange:Modèles,formes et pratiques de lasociabilitéentre la france et la grande-bretagne au xviiiesiècle/The Exchange Art of Art of Art of Art of Art of Art of Art of Art:模型,形式和实践大不列颠和法国在十八世纪(Hermann,2015年)(与Thierry Belleguic共同编辑)。
