
Paul DePasquale

Paul DePasqualeTitle:Associate Professor


Paul DePasqualeis an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Winnipeg. His research and teaching interests include Indigenous literature, history, and culture; Indigenous oral narratives and life writing; and Indigenous representations in historical and contemporary texts, including popular media. One of his current projects is a book-length work tentatively titled, “Contemporary Translations of the Haudenosaunee: Story, Myth, Song, and Oratory.” Paul is a member (Upper Mohawk) of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario. He enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities, including fishing, mountain biking, and working with his border collie/ blue heeler.

Paul是英语的一般课程,可在办公时间,星期二/星期四11:45-12:45 PM,2A42或通过电子邮件发送电子邮件至depasquale@uwinnipeg.ca在办公时间与学生见面。


土著literature, history, and culture; Indigenous oral narratives and life writing; Indigenous representations in historical and contemporary texts, including popular media; creative writing.


(F) ENGL-2102-001 Intro to Creative Writing


(F) ENGL-3723-001 Topics in Indigenous Texts and Cultures

(W) ENGL-3723-002 Topics in Indigenous Texts and Cultures


Depasquale,保罗。"Manitoba Hydro's Promotional Materials as Colonialist Discourse," in土著健康从a Multidisciplinary Global Perspective,ed。罗伯特·英恩斯(Robert Innes),南希·范·斯特文丹(Nancy Van Styvendale)和罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henry)。亚利桑那大学出版社,印刷。

DePasquale, Paul (lead editor), with Renate Eigenbrod and Emma LaRocque, eds.Across文化/跨境:加拿大原住民和美洲原住民文献。彼得伯勒,安大略省:Broadview Press,2010年。

Depasquale,保罗。Afterward to Maria Campbell's道路津贴的故事人。他们,1996年;修订版Ed。反式。玛丽亚·坎贝尔。插图。雪利酒·法雷尔赛车。SASKATOON,SA,GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE,2010年。

DePasquale, Paul and Doris Wolf, “Home and Native Land: A Study of Canadian Aboriginal Picture

Books by Aboriginal Authors.”家庭词:加拿大儿童文学的话语。Ed. Mavis Reimer. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2008, 87-105.

Depasquale,保罗。ed.,Natives & Settlers Now & Then: Historical Issues and CurrentPerspectives on Treaties and Land Claims in Canada。埃德蒙顿,AB:艾伯塔大学出版社和Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/ Revue Canadienne deLittératureCompareé, 2007. Introduction, “Natives & Settlers Now & Then: Refractions of the Colonial Past in the Present,” xv-xxxiii. With contributions by Harold Cardinal, Jonathan Hart, Frank Tough and Erin McGregor, Patricia Seed, and Sharon Venne. Available online athttp://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/crcl/issue/view/687

Bird, Louis.Omushkego Legends and Histories from Hudson Bay。eds。詹妮弗·S.H.布朗,保罗·德帕斯夸(Paul Depasquale)和马克·F·拉姆尔(Mark F. Ruml)。彼得伯勒,安大略省:Broadview Press,2005年。贡献:联合编辑;与路易·伯德(Louis Bird)合作准备的“克里术语词汇表”,21-30;第2章,“‘现在,创造问题”:关于我们来之前的故事和世界的故事”,59-86。路易·伯德(Louis Bird)的口头叙述引入并在保罗·德帕斯夸尔(Paul DePasquale)的纸上介绍。

DePasquale, Paul and Louis Bird. “Omushkego (‘Swampy Cree’) Legends from Hudson Bay: Legends of Wissaakechaahk and the Cannibal Exterminators.” Ed. Brian Swann.Algonquian Spirit:Algonquian的当代翻译北美文献。University of Nebraska Press, 2005. 449-527. Louis Bird's oral narratives introduced and put on paper by Paul DePasquale.

Depasquale,Paul和Doris Wolf。“加拿大图画书的精选书目

原住民作者。”Canadian Children’s Literature。No. 115-116. Fall-Winter (2004): 93-108. Available online athttp://ccl-lcj.ca/index.php/ccl-lcj/article/view/4007

Depasquale,保罗。“(Re)Writing the Virginian Paradise: the Conflicted Authors of a Late Sixteenth Century Travel Account.” Eds. Glenn Burger, Lesley Cormack, et al.制作Contact: Maps, Identity, Travel。Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press, 2003. 143-172.

Depasquale,保罗。“'值得注意的':Meta Incognita的欧洲矛盾和原住民机构,1576 - 78年。”eds。詹妮弗·S.H.布朗和伊丽莎白·维伯特。Reading Beyond Words:本地历史的上下文, 2nd ed. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2003. 5-38.

Depasquale,保罗。"Building Learning Communities in the ‘Postcolonial’/ Indigenized Classroom.” Eds. Matthew Parfitt and Dawn Skorczewski.构图教室中的冲突和危机。马萨诸塞州波士顿:Heinemann-Boynton/Cook,2003年。126-148。

Short fiction and poetry in various books and journals such asManitowopow: Aboriginal Writings from the Land of Water(2011),Prairie Fire: Special Issue "First Voices, First Words"(2001),New Delta Review, 和Lake: A Journal of Arts and Environment. Special Issue on Indigenous Peoples, Health, and Place(2012).
