Peter Melville

Peter MelvilleTitle:Professor


Peter Melville is Professor of English at the University of Winnipeg, where he teaches courses on fantasy fiction, poetry, Romanticism, and critical theory. His current research focuses on eco-fantasy criticism and the role of belief in contemporary fantasy fiction.

Teaching Areas:
Fantasy Fiction, Poetry, Critical Theory, Romanticism


(W) ENGL-2604-001 Poetry and Poetic Form

(W) ENGL-2613-001 Fantasy Fiction



Writing about Literature: An Introductory Guide. Scarborough, ON: Nelson Education, 2011.

Romantic Hospitality and the Resistance to Accommodation: Rousseau, Kant, Coleridge, and Mary Shelley. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, March 2007.

Special Issues

联合主编,米歇尔告终。特刊“Romanticism and Rights". European Romantic Review 27.3 (2016).

Essays & Book Chapters

"Unconscious Gods and the Return of Belief in Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence.” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 33.1 (Spring 2021): 16-28.

"Demonizing Nature: Ecocriticism and Popular Fantasy." Avenging Nature: The Role of Nature in Contemporary Art and Literature. Eds. Eduardo Valls Oyarzun et al. Roman & Littlefield, September 2020.

"Urban Fantasy, Interconnectedness, and Ecological Disaster: Reading Anne Bishop's The Others Series. "Studies in the Fantastic 8 (Spring 2020): 86-107

“Queerness and Homophobia in Robin Hobb’s Farseer Trilogies.”Extrapolation59.3 (2018): 281-303.

“The ‘sick imagination’ of Godwin’s Fleetwood.”RaVoN: Romanticism andVictorianism on the Net65 (2014-2015): 25 pars.

Co-author, with Michelle Faubert. "Introduction: Romanticism and Rights. Special Issue "Romanticism and Rights". European Romantic Review 27.3 (2016): 281-84.

"Revolutionary Subjectivity in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy." Studies in the Fantastic 3 (Winter 2015/Spring 2016): 23-44.

“Witnessing the ‘Unwitnessed’ in Stephen Erikson’sThe Malazan Book of the Fallen.”Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts26.2 (2015): 276-91.

“Lying with Godwin and Kant: Truth and Duty inSt. Leon.”The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation55.1 (2014): 19-37.

“Another Way:Smallville’s Tess Mercer as Ethical Hero.” Mapping Smallville: Critical Essays on the Series and Its Characters. Jefferson, NC: McFarland (2014), 83-99.

“Strangers Among Us: Figures of Refuge inCaleb WilliamsandSt. Leon.European Romantic Review24.3 (2013): 335-342.

“Monstrous Ingratitude: Hospitality in Mary Shelley’sFrankenstein.”European Romantic Review19.2 (2008): 179-185.

“The Problem of Immunity in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.”SEL: Studies in English Literature(2007): 825-846.

“Staging the Nation: Hospitable Performances in Kant’sAnthropology.”European Romantic Review17.1 (January 2006): 39-53.

“‘A friendship of taste’: The Aesthetics of Eating Well in Kant’sAnthropology.”Cultures of Taste/Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism. Ed. Timothy Morton. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 203-216

“The Sleepy Carib: Rousing the ‘Native Informant’ in Rousseau.”European Romantic Review13.2 (2002): 183-191.

“Kant’s Dinner Party:Anthropologyfrom a Foucauldian Point of View.”Mosaic35.2 (2002): 92-109.

“Spectres of Schelling: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Limits of Freedom.”Arachne7.1/2 (2000): 62-75.

“‘Illuminism and Terrorism’: Melancholia and Hypochondria in Immanuel Kant’sAnthropology.”The Dalhousie Review79.3 (1999): 335-354.
