4 Year BA Creative Writing

Portfolio submissions for ENGL-3101, ENGL-3113, and ENGL-3115 can be sent tocwportfolio@uwinnipeg.ca

The specialization in Creative Writing focuses not only on reading and studying works of literary art, but on learning how to create them as well. See the UW Calendar for the program requirements. See the Frequently Asked Questions, above, for more information.

Sample Program

这只是一个可能的路径通过的一个例子ugh the program. Students should usually begin with 2102 and 2002 and then take 3101. After that, they may take CW courses in any order. Paths will differ, depending on students' interests, the number of courses they take each year, and which courses are offered in any given year. Students shouldconsult an advisor before each registrationto ensure they are meeting all degree requirements. For Degree requirements see thexinyabo官网

Year 1:

  • ENGL-1001(6) or ENGL-1000(3) and 3 other credit hours of 1000-level English
  • 3 hours in Academic Writing
  • 6 hours in Science
  • 6 hours in Social Sciences
  • 9 hours in electives (student's choice)

Year 2:

  • ENGL-2002(3) The Creative Process
  • ENGL-2102(3) Introduction to Creative Writing (prerequisite for 3101)
  • 6 hours in Canadian Literature or Indigenous Literature
  • 6 hours in additional English Literature courses (not Creative Writing)
  • 6 hours in Social Sciences
  • 6 hours in cognate courses

Year 3:

  • ENGL-3101(6) Creative Writing Comprehensive
  • 3 hours in Creative Writing*
  • 6 hours in additional English Literature courses (not Creative Writing)
  • 6 hours in cognate courses
  • 9 hours in electives (student's choice)

Year 4:

  • ENGL-3112(6) Advanced Creative Writing OR 6 hours additional Creative Writing
  • 3 hours in Creative Writing*
  • 6 hours in additional English literature courses (not Creative Writing)
  • 6 hours in cognate courses
  • 9 hours in electives (student's choice)

* Depending on offerings in any given year, choices may include: ENGL-3113(3) Writing Short Fiction OR ENGL-3114(3) Writing Poems OR ENGL-3115 Writing for Children OR ENGL-3116(3) Topics in Creative Writing (may be repeated once when the topic varies) OR 3 sections of ENGL-3102(1). Note: Students may take up to 3 sections of 3102(1) Field Research, if the topic varies, and do not have to take them all in the same year.

English Department Members Teaching Creative Writing in 2021-22

Jonathan Ball

Nora Decter

Sandy Pool

Patricia Robertson

James Scoles

This page updated June, 2022.
