Shauna MacKinnon

Associate Professor

Shauna MacKinnon ©UWinnipeg
Contact Information

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Urban and Inner City Studies


  • Aboriginal Issues
  • Equity
  • Indigenous Issues
  • Labour
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Public Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Urban Planning / Community Planning
  • Youth

Areas of Expertise:

  • Community Based Participatory Research
  • Policy Advocacy
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • Public Policy
  • Social Policy

Languages Spoken:

  • English

Available To:

  • Appear on radio or TV
  • Appear as a public speaker
  • Provide comment to media
  • 写文章
  • Discuss research with industry, government, and others


After several years conducting community-based research in Winnipeg, Dr. Shauna MacKinnon joined The University of Winnipeg’s Urban and Inner City Studies Department in 2013. She also continues as a co-investigator of the Manitoba Research Alliance (MRA) project Partnering for Change: Solutions to Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty. Partnering for Change is a 7-year research project funded by a SSHRC Partnership Grant. MacKinnon leads and conducts research in the Education, Training and Capacity Building research stream. Through this stream she has conducted extensive research on poverty and inequality with a focus on public policy.

麦金农的作者Decolonizing Employment: Aboriginal Inclusion in the Labour Market. She has also conducted numerous research studies utilizing a collaborative community based participatory research approach. Her work was specifically mentioned by the international organization, Community Campus Partnership for Health (CCPH) in 2013 when the Manitoba Research Alliance was recognized by the CCPH for excellence in community engaged research. With several years experience conducting community engaged research, she offers a unique perspective to research. MacKinnon is the editor of the forthcoming publication,Community Based Participatory Research Stories: Journeys to Social Change.

Media and Research expert