


The importance of the spatial dimension in large scale data analysis for problems of environmental monitoring, regional development and land use planning is now widely recognized. In work of this kind there is also a necessity for interrelating information derived from sources such as different censuses, land surveying, engineering drawings, maps, surveys, aerial photographs and satellite imagery, each of which may utilize a variety of methods of spatial georeferencing. The methods required for these types of investigations and the use of the resulting databases, which link information to maps stored in digital form, constitute the field of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Many organizations are now experiencing rapid growth in the volumes of spatial data to be analyzed. Unfortunately, severe shortages of skilled personnel, combined with a lack of understanding of the potential uses of GIS methods, mean that the ability of these same organizations to manage complex problems is now declining. This has already led to the perpetuation of costly, inefficient and inflexible methods of operation. It is very significant therefore, that the urgent need for improved understanding of this subject area has recently been highlighted by the decision of the Province and the City to investigate the potential scope for GIS. Objectives of the program are:

  1. To develop detailed knowledge and understanding of recent advances in computing technology and software engineering methods, which are relevant to GIS applicants.To build up a high level of practical skills and experience in the use of high quality hardware and software tools for automated mapping and database management. The Department is among the best equipped in Canada in this area. To encourage sound judgement of project feasibility and a structured approach to problem solving through laboratories, project work and honours theses. The latter will also ensure a strong relationship between theory and a wide range of possible applications.
  2. 通过与公司和机构的联络以及涉及论文和定向阅读的合作项目的发展,为在工业和政府应用中适当地采用和使用GIS方法做出贡献。


Remote Sensing


GISP Certification

地理部鼓励我们的地理学学生将认证作为教育和职业发展的一部分。公共和私营部门的工作越来越多,需要在GIS领域内获得认证或有资格获得认证的潜在候选人。GIS认证研究所(GISCI)是一个非营利组织,为GIS社区提供完整的认证计划,导致GISP®(认证GIS Profession)认可(亚愽娱乐apphttps://www.gisci.org/Home.aspx). As students within our geomatics courses you meet the education requirements of the certification, with job experience and other professional development you would be able to become GISP certified within a few years of graduation. Holding this designation will define you as a professional that has clearly demonstrated their ability to achieve a high standard of knowledge and application in the field of GIS. We encourage all of our students to consider this as part of the future education and career planning goals.

地理系提议a roadmap within the GISP framework:
