The University of Winnipeg

历史硕士主席Janis Thiessen谈论小吃

贾尼斯·蒂森(Janis Thiessen)博士是MA历史计划中的新主席。我们赶上了她,以了解她的研究以及该计划中正在发生的事情。

Janis Thiessen食品卡车

Could you give an overview of the JMP History program?

历史JMP由温尼伯和曼尼托巴大学的历史系共同提供。它提供了4个流:主要的研究论文MA,一个课程MA,论文MA和A档案研究。学生可以参加校园的课程,并有论文主管和委员会成员:UOFM和UOFW。自1976 - 77年以来,我们一直在提供历史JMP。

What is your academic background, and how long have you been at UW?

I accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of History at the University of Winnipeg in July 2011, but had spent the previous two years as a SSHRC-funded postdoctoral fellow in the department. (That postdoctoral research eventually became my second book,不谈论联盟。我有一个学士,教育学学士,硕士(历史),博士。(History). From 1995 until 2009, I taught high school chemistry and Mennonite history (while completing my MA and PhD), and also taught some courses as a sessional instructor at the University of Manitoba, Canadian Mennonite University, and the University of Winnipeg. I did my doctorate at the University of New Brunswick, and turned my dissertation into my first book,制造门诺派I’m now an Associate Professor in the UW’s History department, as well as Associate Director of the UW’sOral History Centre

You have a food truck! And do research on chips! What can you tell us about that?

是的!我非常兴奋和感谢在UW上的这些研究机会。筹码的研究今年是我的第三本书,Snacks: A Canadian Food History这是加拿大独立零食食品制造商的历史(例如W.T. Hawkins,Cheezies的制造商),这些公司的工人以及消费这些产品的人(包括前儿童参赛者老荷兰儿童竞标television shows of the 1960s).

最近,我与西澳大学口述历史中心的兼职教授Kimberley Moore和Kimberley Moore和Kent Davies合作获得了另一项SSHRC赠款。我们将运营一辆“食品历史卡车”,以产生曼尼托巴省的粮食生产,零售和消费史。卡车将访问斯坦巴赫,温尼伯和帕克兰地区,邀请人们在船上烹饪历史上重要的饭菜,同时我们采访他们的食物和生活。想象一下,例如,前货车餐厅的首席厨师准备了他们著名的土耳其俱乐部三明治,而我们向他们询问了这家餐厅的历史!



对于《食品史卡车研究》,我再次幸运地从UW和SSHRC那里获得了资金。我聘请了一个项目协调员Sarah Story,他是JMP历史毕业生。我们还计划在项目期间在各个方面聘请本科和研究生研究助理。

How did you develop an interest in this topic?

As I was completing my postdoctoral research, I was looking for another subject to research. My focus has always been on labour history and the history of independent, family-owned businesses in 20Thcentury Canada. I was chatting with my brother, and he suggested I study Old Dutch Foods, knowing my fondness for potato chips. And so began my discovery of the field of food history!



