Jason Yaremko

Jason YaremkoTitle:教授


HIST-1006(3) Indigenous History to 1900: Origins, Contacts, and Colonialism
HIST-1007(3) Indigenous History Since 1900:Racism, Resistance, Renewal
HIST-2118(3) Modern Mexico: From Acapulco to Zapatistas
HIST-2510(3) Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Pre-1815
嘘- 2511(3)加拿大原住民,Post-1815
HIST-3117(6) Columbus to Castro: A History of Cuba
HIST-3519(3) Indigenous Peoples and Treaties
HIST-4103(6) Colonization and the Age of Modernity in Latin America

Research Interests:
Latin America, North America, Comparative Colonization, Indigenous History, Intercultural Relations and Transculturation



"Pueblos indígenas, inmigración, colonización y el Estado: Cuba, siglo XIX" ["Indigenous peoples, immigration, colonization, and the state: Cuba, 19th century"]. InLa América Indígena decimonónica: desde nueve miradas y perspectivas [Nineteenth-Century Indigenous America]. Edited by Antonio Escobar Ohmstede. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Editorial, 2021.

"Indigenous Diaspora, Bondage, and Freedom in Colonial Cuba," inBorderlands of the Iberian World: Environments, Histories, Cultures, Cynthia Radding, Danna Levin-Rojo, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

"Ajiaco Indígena: The Arawak Taíno and Diasporic Indigenous Peoples in Colonial Cuba."De la desaparición a la permanencia. Indígenas e indios en la reinvención del Caribe, edited by Jorge Ulloa Hung and Roberto Valcárcel Rojas. Santo Domingo: INTEC, 2017.

Indigenous Passages to Cuba, 1515-1900.Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2016

"Los Indios de Campeche: The Maya Diaspora and the Mesoamerican Presence in Colonial Cuba," inCuban Archaeology in the Caribbean, Ivan Roksandic, ed. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2016

"Julián: Maya Interpreter," inConflict in the Early Americas: An Encyclopedia of the Spanish Empire's Aztec, Incan, and Mayan Conquests, Rebecca M. Seaman, ed. (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, August 2013).

"'Frontier Indians': 'Indios Mansos', 'Indios Bravos', and the Layers of Indigenous Existence in the Caribbean Borderlands," inBorderlands in World History: 1700-1914, Paul Readman, Cynthia Radding, and Chad Bryant, eds. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.

Articles on Treaties 1 through 10 between the Canadian government and First Nations, inTreaties with American Indians: An Encyclopedia of Rights, Conflicts and Sovereignty, Donald Fixico, ed. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008.

"De Campeche a la Guerra de castas: La presencia maya en Cuba, del siglo XVI al XIX, ["From Campeche to Caste War: the Maya Presence in Cuba, Sixteenth Through Nineteenth Centuries"]Revista Chacmool: cuadernos de trabajo cubano-mexicanos [Journal of Cuban-Mexican Relations],December 2010, 6: 85-114.

"Colonial Wars and Indigenous Geopolitics: Aboriginal Agency, the Cuba-Florida-Mexico Nexus, and the Other Diaspora," Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2011, 35(70): 165-196.

“"'Obvious Indian' - Missionaries, Anthropologists and the 'Wild Indians' of Cuba: Representations of the Aboriginal Presence in Cuba,"Ethnohistory: The Journal of the American Society for Ethnohistory, Summer 2009, 56 (3): 449-478.

The Path of Progress": Protestant Missions, Education, and US Hegemony in the "New Cuba", 1898-1940,in American Post-Conflict Educational Reform: From the Spanish-American War to Iraq诺亚Sobe,艾德。纽约:朋友grave Macmillan, 2009.

“'Gente bárbara': Indigenous Rebellion, Resistance and Persistence in Colonial Cuba, c. 1500-1800”,Kacike: The Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology(December 2006), 7(3): 157-184.

U.S. Protestant Missions in Cuba: From Independence to CastroGainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2000.
