
RDM Data Documentation & Storage

It is important to provide robust documentation and description of your datasets for any possible future users. When collecting data, it is also important to think about what formats you will be storing, and what kind of security you will use.

Which file formats are preferred?

File formats can go out of style, making it difficult for anyone to retrieve the data in the future (think of laserdiscs!) It is important to try to plan for future readability as much as possible. In most cases, this means使用最简单的文件格式- i.e., not tied to a particular software or program. Open File Formats usually fall into this category. In all cases, the simpler the file format, the more likely it will be readable in the future.

Further Reading:

What kind of description is useful?

Consider adding a plain text based README file to your dataset that describes the dataset itself. You can include definitions of special terms, description of folders, file formats, citations, what was done to clean the data, and more.

In addition to a README file, you will need to add metadata.


Metadata is the information that describes your data set. Properly describing your data helps make them accessible and usable over time.


- 数据集的标题

- Creator - author/ researcher

- 主题 - 使用学科的标准语言

- Description - including the how & why

- 摘要,类型,日期,许可等

It is useful to be as descriptive as possible in your metadata, and to provide keywords that may help give context to how your data may be useful. Even if your data will not be publicly available, it is important for your own use during the research process, and for any collaborators you may have.

Consider how you will organize & label your data with metadata as part of yourData Management Plan。如果您打算将数据存入WinnSpace之类的存储库,请查看存储库使用的元数据字段。在研究过程的早期进行此操作将使存入数据更加容易。

Further Reading:

Data Storage and Security

When storing data, you need to always consider the effect of loss of the data to the study, and to anyone involved in the study. You need to plan a way to minimize the effects of the loss or destruction of data.

To prevent the accidental destruction of data, we recommend the3-2-1 backup strategy:

  • 3个数据的总副本
  • 2 different devices
  • with at least 1 copy offsite


Your network space is available from anywhere withWebFiles。请联系TSCto discuss additional storage needs and costs.


分享sensitive data on commercial platforms (including free solutions such as Dropbox) can potentially cause security concerns.


  • NextCloud: UWinnipeg offers 10GB of collaborative storage space, stored locally (not backed up), throughNextCloud, available to all UWinnipeg faculty and staff.Access NextCloud here using your UWinnipeg credentials here.
  • Microsoft 365(OneDrive/Teams/SharePoint):Microsoft 365可供所有Uwinnipeg教职员工使用。每位教职员工和员工都在Microsoft Onedrive上分配了1TB的存储空间。数据可以通过SharePoint在内部和外部共享。这里提供更多信息。


对于更大的存储需求和计算云资源,Compute Canadahas two preferred solutions. To access these services andNextCloud, you will need tosign up for an account使用Compute Canada First(批准最多需要2个工作日,该申请应由主要调查员完成),并注册了更适合您需求的解决方案:

  1. 快速访问服务for modest amount of storage and cloud resources.许多研究小组只能通过使用快速访问服务来满足他们的需求。此选项最多允许10,000GB的存储空间。
  2. 资源分配竞赛for those who require CPU or GPU allocation, or larger amounts of storage requirements. This options allows up to 1TB of storage.

Further Reading:
