Gabriel Ricardo Nemogá Soto, PhD


Gabriel Ricardo Nemogá Soto, PhD

GabrielRicardoNemogáSoto博士 - 教授


Dr. Nemogá's work strives for the incorporation of indigenous worldviews and ways of life, normally ignored in decision-making processes, in the development mechanisms for the protection of traditional knowledge and biodiversity. He also sees Indigenous education as a critical step to exercise indigenous self-determination and to ensure the respect towards a culturally distinct ways of life.

Dr. Nemogá previously was an associate professor at the National University of Colombia where he founded the Institute of Socio-Legal Research (UNIJUS), the research group on Policy and Legislation on Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge (PLEBIO), and the Master Program in Bioscience and Law, among other initiatives. His published works in articles, chapter books, and public presentations encompass ethical and legal issues on human genetic research, bioprospecting, property rights and biodiversity, protection of traditional knowledge, Indigenous education and relationships between modern states and Indigenous nations.

He has been involved in research initiatives undertaken with the research group PLEBIO, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, South (IUCN-South) and research partners from Central and South America. He has been involved in leading research initiatives on bioprospecting, bioethics, and traditional knowledge systems in the Andean Community region. His work contributes to the development of the biocultural approach as a framework for the recognition of Indigenous knowledge systems and the rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in contemporary politic and governance.

Dr. Nemogá enjoys working with students committed to pursue their own intellectual curiosity, to explore new ways of understanding and to achieve their academic and professional goals with high academic and ethical standards.

研究Interests:Biodiversity Law, Indigenous knowledge systems, research and policy on genetic resources, natural resources and development, Indigenous education, Indigenous research methodologies.

Email Address:g.nemoga@uwinnipeg

Main Publications (since 2010)

Nemoga G。等。2018。卡米诺帕拉el pensamiento ancestral. Guía sobre protección de conocimientos tradicionales de comunidades afrodescendientes y pueblos indígenas. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ministerio del Interior, Embajada Suiza.

不mogá G., Domicó J. Molina A. 2018. Designing Biocultural Protocols with the Embera People of Colombia.langscape7:2, pp 20-24.

不mogá G. 2017. Indigenous and Intercultural Education in Latin America: Assimilation or Transformation of Colonial Relations in Colombia,Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39:1, 1-19, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2017.1410115

不mogá G. 2016. “Diversidad biocultural: innovando en investigación para la conservación.Acta biol. Colomb21 (1) Supl: 311 - 319

不mogá-Soto, G.R. (2015) “Biodiversity Research and Conservation in Colombia (1990-2010): the marginalization of Indigenous peoples’ rights.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 39:1, 94-111.

不mogá-Soto, G. R., Rojas D. A. & Lizarazo O. (2014). Biodiversity research in magadiverse countries: strategies for scientific and technical alliances. In: M. Rios and A. Mora (Eds.), Access to Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean: Research, Commercialization and Indigenous Worldview. UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC. Quito, Ecuador. Pp. 13-42

不mogá-Soto, G. R & Cabrera Jorge. (2014). Commercialization of Biodiversity: market for genetic resources and biochemical components. In: M. Rios and A. Mora (Eds.),在拉丁美洲和加勒比海获得遗传资源:研究,商业化和土著世界观。UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC。基多,厄瓜多尔。pp。43-78.

不mogá-Soto, G. R. (2014). Interrelationship between Indigenous worldview and biodiversity: how to protect traditional knowledge and genetic resources? In: M. Rios and A. Mora (Eds.), Access to Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean: Research, Commercialization and Indigenous Worldview. UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC. Quito, Ecuador. Pp. 81-114

不mogá-Soto, G.R. (2013). Investigación Genética y Políticas sobre Biodiversidad: escenarios para el reconocimiento de la diversidad étnica y cultural (Genetic Research and Policy on Biodiversity: spaces for the acknowledgment of the ethnic and cultural diversity). Colección Libros Resultados de Investigación. Serie Mayor, No, 2. Bogotá: Ibañez Editores.

Nemogá-Soto,G。R.(2013)。Estudio de caso enPerú:conocimientos colectivos asociados a la Biodivesidad(秘鲁的研究案例:与生物多样性相关的集体知识登记册)。En:Mrios和A. Mora(编辑),Seis estudios de Caso enaméméricalatina ye l Caribe:Acceso a Remursosgenéticosy Distriblionos yDistriblucióndebenseficios。UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC。基多,厄瓜多尔。pp。105-116

不mogá-Soto, G. R. and Rojas Díaz D. A. (2013). Estudio de Caso en Colombia: Investigación sobre un microorganismo del género Lactococcus sp., (Study case in Colombia Research about a microorganism from the Lactococcus sp. Genus). Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia En: M Rios and A. Mora (Eds.), Seis estudios de caso en América Latina ye l Caribe: acceso a recursos genéticos y distribución de beneficios. UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC. Quito, Ecuador. Pp. 13-24

不mogá-Soto, G. R. and Lizarazo O. (2013). Estudio de Caso en Ecuador “Expedición de Muestreo Oceánica Global”, Parque Nacional Galápagos: actividades de colección y aplicación de legislación. (Study case in Ecuador: "Global Ocean Sampling Expedition" Galapagos National Park: collection activities and implementation of legislation.) En: M Rios and A. Mora (Eds.), Seis estudios de caso en América Latina ye l Caribe: acceso a recursos genéticos y distribución de beneficios. UICN-PNUMA/GEF-ABS-LAC. Quito, Ecuador. Pp. 77-88.

不mogá-Soto, G. R. 2012. Dilemas sobre Biobancos: asuntos éticos y jurídicos (Biobanks: Legal and ethical issues dilemmas). Revista Pensamiento Jurídico, 35. Pp. 195-230

不mogá-Soto, G. R., & Vargas, I. D. 2010. Contratos de Acceso a Recursos Genéticos: Un análisis comparado (Contracts Access to genetic resources). Revista Pensamiento Jurídico, 27, 157-202.

Nemogá-Soto,G。R.,Ávila-Sánchez,L.A.,Blanco-Martinez,J.T.,Chaparro-Giraldo,A.(2010)。La Respuctionun Sobre Biodoversidad en colombia。(哥伦比亚生物多样性研究)。波哥大:哥伦比亚大学和杰内科塔大学。

Book Chapters

Nemogá。G.2019。土著农业生物多样性。在:Agrobiododity:综合可持续未来的知识,由K. S. Zimmerer和S. de Haan编辑。Strüngmann论坛报告,第1卷。24,J。Lupp,系列编辑。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社。PP 241-263。

Visser B., Brush S., Guntra A., Andersen R., Jäger M., Nemogá G., Padmanabhan M., and Sherwood S. 2019. The Governance of Agrobiodiversity. In: Agrobiodiversity: Integrating Knowledge for a Sustainable Future, edited by K. S. Zimmerer and S. de Haan. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 24, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp 283-305.

不mogá G. and Beltrán Y. 2018. Las agendas de investigación en Biodiversidad en Colombia: una reflexión desde la bioculturalidad /The research agendas on Biodiversity: A reflection from a biocultural perspective. In Uribe M. Estudios en Biociencias y Derecho. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

不mogá G. 2016. “Marginación de los derechos indígenas en los temas de biodiversidad y conocimiento tradicional: el caso colombiano pag. 241-266 In Roca T., Santiago (editor) Biodiversidad y propiedad intelectual en disputa: situación, propuestas y políticas públicas. – Lima : Universidad ESAN, 2016. – 526 p.

Lizarazo,Oscar。,Lamprea N,&Nemoga,G。(2013)。协调生物科学和生物信息学研究结果的保护和发布。EN L.Springer International Publishing。recuperado a partir de

不mogá-Soto, G. R., & Rojas-Díaz, D. A. (2013). Propuesta para la solución al problema de acceso a recursos biogenéticos en Colombia (Proposal for solving the problema to access to biogenétic resources in Colombia) In Victor Vera (Ed.) La Biología Molecular en las Ciencias Pecuarias. Bogotá. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Editorial Académica Española.

Nemoga-Soto g r(2010)。托莱多de维达:Revitalizing Indigenous identity and nature-based knowledge in a Muisca community, Colombia.In L. Maffi & E. Woodley, Biocultural Diversity Conservation: A Global SourcebookLondon: Earthscan. pp. 103-106.


Oral presentation Panel “University Indigenous education: experiences in Canada (University of Winnipeg) and Colombia (Indigenous Autonomous University Cauca and University of Antioquia). The World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education WIPCE 2017: A Celebration of Resilience. Toronto 2017.

“Education for Indigenous and Afrodescendants peoples”, Conference: “Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua”. November 5, Bliefields. Nicaragua. 2015.


Oral Presentation “Diversidad Biocultural: innovando en investigación y conservación/ Biocultural Diversity: Innovating in research and conservation” Cátedra Mutis. Department of Biology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. March, 2015

Oral presentation “Constitución Colombiana y Límite a la Protección de la Diversidad Biocultural/ Colombian Constitution and Limitationes to the Protection of Biocultural Diversity” 10º. Congreso de la Jurisdicción Constitucional. Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Ibagué, Colombia. September 2014.

Oral presentation “Los recursos genéticos y los conocimientos tradicionales en el Protocolo de Nagoya y el Convenio de Diversidad Biológica/ Genetic resources and traditional knowledge at Nagoya Protocol and the Convention on Biological Diversity.” Seminario Internacional de Propiedad Intelectual, Conocimientos Tradicionales y Recursos Genéticos. Universidad ESAN. Lima, Perú. November 2014.

Presenter "The Nagoya Protocol and its main Elements” at the Workshop on Access and Benefit-Sharing in Latin America and the Caribbean: A science-policy dialogue for non-commercial, academic research.” Organized by DIVERSITAS, ICSU Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC), the Natural Science Suisse Academy (SCNAT) and the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and the University of Bonn. Lima, November 2013.

Symposium Coordinator. Diversidad Biocultural: una apuesta necesaria. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá-Colombia. October, 2103.

主持人“ necesidad de las cosmovisionesindígenaspara la la laproteccióndelconocimiento tradiciation。”研讨会“ Diversidad生物文化:Una Apuesta Necesaria”,IV哥伦比亚民族生物学大会。波哥大 - 哥伦比亚。2013年10月。

论文介绍“哥伦比亚土著人民为实现自己的生活良好的世界观/ la lucha de los pueblos indgenas en colombia en colombia para alcanzar sucosmovisióndel buen vivir的斗争。”小组“探索SumaQamaña:玻利维亚研究协会第7届大会。苏克,玻利维亚。2013年8月1日。

Discussant, Presenter and Facilitator “Protocolos Bioculturales en el marco de Planes de Vida/ Biocultural protocols in the framework of community life planning”, Iniciativa para la Conservación en la Amazonia Andina – ICAA International Resources Group Ltd. –IRG. Lima, Peru, July 16 - 17 of 2013.

Discussant. Core Team. Research Project on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and the Nagoya Protocol. DIVERSITAS, the International Council for Science's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ICSU ROLAC) and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). Montevideo, Uruguay, June 11-12 of 2013.


口头表达。“Investigación sobre biodiversidad en territorios colectivos de pueblos indígenas y comunidades negras y raizales /Biodiversity research on collective territories of indigenous peoples and black and raizales comunities”. Forum. “Régimen de acceso a recursos genéticos, investigadores y centros de investigación en diversidad biológica/“Access regime to genetic resources: researchers and research centers on biodiversity”. Research Group on Policy and Legislation on Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge (PLEBIO). Bogotá, Colombia April 30 2013.

口头表达。“RessuctionaCiónEnDiversidadBiogenética:una Actividad de riesgo en colombia?/生物遗传学分歧的研究:哥伦比亚的风险活动吗?”。古巴Acuario Nacional Habana。Marzo 21,2013年。

口头介绍:生物前进和生物填充案例。有关访问和福利共享的研讨会。第二会议区域项目。项目GEF ABS LAC。加强对遗传资源的获取制度,并在拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区受益。哈瓦那,古巴。Marzo 22 DE 2013。

口头表达。Biodiversity conservation and research in Colombia (1990 – 2010): Overriding Indigenous peoples' rights. At the 2012 Conference of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS), Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. 2012.


口头表达。Ethical and legal dilemmas regarding BioBanks for human genetic data & Environmental bioethics and biodiversity. At the 3rd International Congress on Bioethics of the UNESCO. Bogotá, Colombia: Bioethics Network for Latin America and the Caribbean. 2010.


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