
艾米丽·恩格(Emily Unger)艾米丽·恩格(Emily Unger)
Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Bullock


自2020年以环境研究学士学位毕业以来,我一直对继续研究环境治理和资源管理有浓厚的兴趣。我现在在瑞安·布洛克(Ryan Bullock)博士的监督下,在MESC计划中攻读环境硕士学位。我的研究重点是林业和共同管理资源协议。我的研究将遵循一种基于关系的方法来理解林业治理和相关能力需求,与Eagle Lake First Nation合作,开发长期解决方案,这些解决方案占据了权利,并符合林业的长期目标和目标专业人士和鹰湖原住民。该项目可以作为未来基于自然资源的项目开发公平资源管理模型的模型。我期待成为温尼伯大学为学生提供的小型和支持性研究环境的一部分。亚愽国际app下载

帕特里克·卡蒂(Patrick Carty)帕特里克·卡蒂(Patrick Carty)
Supervisor: Dr. Alan Diduck


I graduated with a BSc in Biology from the University of Winnipeg in 2021. My undergrad had a major focus on both Forest Ecology and Indigenous Studies and I have worked in the urban forestry industry for 5 years. I am currently pursuing my MEnv in the Masters in Environmental and Social Change program and am working on the Climate Learning and Adaptation for Northern Development Project (C-LAND). The purpose of this project is to determine how climate learning can support adaptive capacity within intricate government settings. This will be done by exploring various case studies involving the natural resource sector within northern communities across Canada.

I was drawn to the MESC program by its interdisciplinary nature and I believe bridging natural and social sciences is crucial in understanding the climate issues we face today. The C-LAND project is particularly compelling as northern communities are often adversely affected by climate change and the natural resource industry.

Sean GoldstoneSean Goldstone
Supervisor: Dr. Alan Diduck


In spring of 2020, I graduated from the University of Winnipeg with a BSc in Environmental Science (Hons) in the forest policy and management stream and a 3-year minor in biology.

Throughout my education, as well as enriching employment opportunities along the way, I have gained an interdisciplinary and integrated knowledge of the intrinsically linked natural and human environment. This has brought about a personal desire to stand up for social justice, and engage in sustainability issues. I have also identified a career centred around natural resource research and policy development as the most suitable route to aligning my values and goals with meaningful outputs.


My research will examine linkages between social learning and adaptive capacity and how these concepts may translate to climate change adaptation in Canada’s renewable resource sector. The research will provide information and tools to guide adaptation strategies in correspondence to Canada’s international commitments under the Paris Agreement and federal objectives in pursuit of a clean growth economy.

Patrick HarneyPatrick Harney
Supervisor: Dr. Ian Mauro

Biography: I graduated with a BA Honours in Anthropology from the University of Winnipeg. I am currently pursuing my MA in Environmental and Social Change under the supervision of Dr. Ian Mauro. Working with Dr. Mauro, my MA research focuses on how culture, values, politics and ideology shape perception of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies among Canadian farmers. My project highlights the critical role of values-based and cross-cultural understanding in forging effective climate action. My research will investigate and integrate social research, digital storytelling, and the critical role that climate communications play especially when attuned to the needs and values of communities. My choice to join the MESC is motivated by a growing sense of urgency regarding the broad societal change necessary to face the climate emergency.

Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Bullock


我在2017年毕业获得学士学位的人权the University of Winnipeg. I am a policy analyst with experience working with community-based organizations in the North End of Winnipeg in project planning, evaluation, and crisis support. My areas of research interest are the intersections of human-environment interaction with Indigenous rights, environmental racism, and treaty relationships. I chose the MESC program at the University of Winnipeg to have the opportunity to learn from and work collaboratively with the environmental and science sectors. A huge systemic barrier to sustainable long term social and environmental change is the “siloing” of sectors and initiatives. I am looking forward to returning to U of W, gaining experience on land based research projects, and studying with other students across program streams.

Ryan ShirtliffeRyan Shirtliffe
Supervisor: Dr. Chris Storie


在克里斯·斯托里(Chris Storie)的监督下,我将利用遥感和无人机图像来确定曼尼托巴北部水文影响的铁路基础设施的缺陷和损害。在2016年从温尼伯大学(University of Winnipe亚愽国际app下载g)毕业于地理位置并进入劳动力后,MESC计划为继续建立我的学术经验,进一步发展自己的技能并学习新技能的机会提供了机会。

主管:Nora Casson博士和Inoka Amarakoon博士(Umanitoba)


I am pursuing a Master of Science in Environmental and Social Change under the supervision of Dr. Nora Casson and Dr. Inoka Amarakoon from the University of Manitoba. My project aims to quantify dissolved and sediment-bound veterinary antibiotics found in spring-thaw snowmelt runoff in prairie agricultural fields. Livestock manure is often used to improve the physical qualities of agricultural fields, but veterinary antibiotics that is excreted (and present in the manure) are known to contribute to an increase in antibiotic resistance in environmental bacteria. Data and results from this study can be used to create policies for sustainable manure management under Canadian prairie conditions. I chose the MESC program because of its interdisciplinary nature and the opportunity to work with Dr. Casson and Dr. Amarakoon.

Nathalie TurenneNathalie Turenne
Supervisor: Dr. Ed Cloutis


My name is Nathalie Turenne, I graduated with a B.S.c in Environmental Sciences and a B.S.c in Geography from the University of Winnipeg in 2020. I am currently working on several projects in Dr. Ed Cloutis’s Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE). During my Master of Science in Environmental and Social Change I will be researching how to detect and characterize microbalites and Mg-carbonates along with other material that may preserve biosignatures using mars-like spectroscopic instruments. Microbialites and Mg-carbonates are formed through deposition of sediments in water environments and thus entomb evidence of life such as chlorophyll and carotenoids, which can be identified using spectrometer. Evidence of life are identified as biosignatures and are important to the search for microbial life on Mars due to their ability to be preserved for millions or years within lithified rocks. Additionally, my research will tie into the landing site at Jezero crater due to it being an ancient lake and river delta on mars as well as my involvement with the Supercam team on the Perseverance rover as the science payload uplink lead and campaign implementation lead choosing and discussing rock targets that may hold clues to ancient life. I chose the MESC program at the U of W due to the great experiences I acquired in my undergrad studies. The passion of the professors and the community of the students created such a great environment. As well, the ability to have a great supervisor and continue doing research in the field of planetary science was a big factor.

Kirstin WitwickiKirstin Witwicki
Supervisor: Dr. Ian Mauro


Aaniin, boozhoo! My name is Kirstin Witwicki and I completed my undergrad degree here at the University of Winnipeg in Geography and Indigenous Studies. As an Indigenous scholar, I am excited to collaborate with Dr. Mauro and the team at the University of Winnipeg’s Prairie Climate Centre. More specifically, I am interested in decolonial methodologies and wise practices that link Western science with Indigenous ways of knowing to best support community-level resilience and adaptability, while also examining climate-related disaster evacuations within Indigenous communities in Manitoba.

I choose the master's program at the University of Winnipeg because of its interdisciplinary foundations. Working with people from a variety of disciplines and a diversity of worldviews and experiences gives us the best chance of finding creative and effective solutions to the environmental and social challenges that we face today.

Z. U. WolfZ. U. Wolf
Supervisor: Dr. Ed Cloutis

传记:我毕业于化学学士(荣誉)。istry and a B.A. in Geography from the University of Winnipeg and I am now working towards my MSc in Environmental Science and Social Change under the supervision of Dr. Ed Cloutis. Since Mars' atmosphere is rich in carbon dioxide, presence of unique biology and geology is possible. My research involves the study of various types of silica deposits that are known to be widespread on Mars, including Jezero crater, site of the Perseverance Rover. I am investigating Mars analogue sites that are rich in silica as past research suggest that low-temperature deposits are able to preserve and entomb microbes. My research involves the examination of internal morphologies and compositions of selected analogue sites, as well as characterization of any preserved microbes. This will give insights into possible microbial communities Mars may host and how we might detect them on Mars using rovers. I choose the MESC program as working on these projects allows me to use both my chemistry and geography degrees in an area of research that is constantly evolving and that I am immensely passionate about.

Dan ApplinDan Applin
Supervisor: Dr. Ed Cloutis


I manage the laboratories and instrumentation at the Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration at the University of Winnipeg.


I chose the MESC program at UWinnipeg because of the program size and interdisciplinary approach, and the availability of analytical equipment at UWinnipeg.
