Rights of Complainant and Respondent

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Rights of Complainant and Respondent

Note: AComplainantt is the term used to describe the person who makes a complaint to the Human Rights and Diversity Officer (HRDO) about a breach of the Sexual Violence Prevention Policy. TheRespondentis the term used to describe the person who is accused in, or is responding to, the complaint.

TheComplainanthas the following rights:

  • to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect;
  • to not be questioned about their past sexual history;
  • to be given access to available support and resources throughout the investigation process;
  • to prompt assistance with safety planning; to prompt information about referrals to available on/off campus support services and resources;
  • to have the process explained to them in an accessible way, including possible outcomes;
  • to have their personal information kept private unless they have agreed to share it, except in limited cases where disclosure is required by law (collective agreement, or criminal/civil proceedings);
  • to be told when their personal information will be shared, as listed above;
  • to present their experience, and to respond to the other participant's information;
  • to be accompanied by a support person;
  • to representation through their collective agreement, if they are a unionized employee;
  • to refuse to participate in aspects of the investigation;
  • to appeal (within an appropriate time) or file a grievance in relation to a decision by the University not to investigate;
  • to regular updates on the status of the investigation process;
  • to have opportunities to engage in alternative resolution processes where appropriate;
  • to receive written notice of the outcome of a resolution or determination that impacts them;
  • to receive written notice of the outcome of any appeal or grievance that impacts them;
  • to a decision-maker in the investigation who will be impartial and unbiased.

TheRespondenthas the following rights:

  • to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect;
  • to be given access to available support and resources throughout the process;
  • 收到有关针对他们的指控的及时通知和信息;
  • to be presumed to have not violated this policy until a fair investigation is completed;
  • 以可访问的方式向他们解释过程,包括可能的结果和惩罚;
  • to have their personal information kept private unless they have agreed to it being shared, except in limited cases where disclosure is required by law (collective agreement, or criminal/civil proceedings);
  • to be told when their personal information will be shared, as listed above;
  • to present their experience, and to respond to the other participant's information;
  • to be accompanied by a support person;
  • 为了拒绝参加调查的各个方面(但是,如果没有它们,该过程仍将发生);
  • to notice about the outcome of an investigation and any punishments against them;
  • to appeal (within an appropriate time) or file a grievance in relation to a decision by the University;
  • to receive regular updates on the status of the investigation process;
  • to opportunities to engage in alternative resolution processes where appropriate;
  • to receive written notice of the outcome of a resolution or determination that impacts the Respondent;
  • 对于一个对调查的决策者来说,将是公正和公正的。