




可持续性education also reaches beyond classrooms and labs in innovative extracurricular initiatives that allow students to draw connections between their lives and urgent environmental issues.

Since 2005, with the help of the working group and various campus departments, the University:

  • 与学生团体Sunset(现在的可持续大学,明天的可持续环境)合作,为以校园为中心的可持续发展研究项目制定了建议,并将其发布到校园可持续发展网站上。
  • 开发了一项研究建议,以调查课堂交付教学的生态影响,并确定减少这些影响并发布温尼伯大学使用的最佳实践纲要的方法。亚愽国际app下载
  • 重新开发的各种建议和计划ducing paper consumption by setting “paperless exams”, recommending “e-books” as course texts, and recommending shifting to on-line course and instructor evaluation processes and ethics submissions.
  • Developed and implemented a校园可持续性认可奖conferred annually at Spring Convocation both to a student and a faculty member / support staff employee who have made noteworthy contributions to the advancement of campus sustainability.
  • 制定了一项针对校园内碳外部计划的提案,该计划将涉及提交资本翻新项目的建议。
  • Offers courses like the Philosophy Department’s “Philosophy of Nature” and International Development Studies’ “Participatory Local Development” that provide students outside of the environmental studies stream the opportunity to engage with critical issues.
  • Approved a Certificate in Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility through the University’s Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) program. This five course certificate covers topics like climate change action planning and sustainability marketing. The first classes will be offered in January of 2018.
  • 由校园可持续发展办公室和学生协会(UWSA)组织的年度可持续发展节,草路。
  • 生物学部动员了学生志愿者的种植,并抚养着数百个幼苗,这些幼苗可在5月的生物学工厂赠品中免费提供给社区成员。亚愽娱乐app除了为学生提供体验式学习机会外,这类活动还为大学提供了积极的媒体报道,并为促进社区关系而言。亚愽娱乐app



  • 环境研究和科学系的Alan Diduck博士和Menno Simons学院的Kirit Patel博士目前正在司法环境主义和穷人进行合作:研究印度州高等法院和国家绿色法庭的绿色长凳的影响旨在围绕绿色政策和实际成果进行加拿大和印度之间的对话。
  • 大草原气候中心是大学与国际可持续发展研究所(IISD)之间的合作伙伴关系,试图集中气候变化数据并将其分发给相关利益相关者,以此作为“从风险到抵御力的风险”所指出的手段。最近的出版物包括建立一个气候夸大的城市,该报告概述了社区可以采取积极步骤为气候变化的影响做准备。
  • Dr. Rafael Otfinowski (Biology) and his research assistant Hollie Swart are working on two research projects that examine the range of increasing drought and flood conditions in the Prairies and exploring how they will impact the function of plant communities.
  • 在2016财年,该大学启动了与挪威科学技术大学的研究合作伙伴关系的挪威加拿大可持续能源项目。通过该项目,将资助20名学生在每所大学的顾问的监督下研究可再生能源和能源政策。该计划将在2018年在挪威举行的研讨会上达到高潮。
  • One of the coordinators of this project is Geography faculty member Dr. Patricia Fitzpatrick, who was the recipient of the 2016 Campus Sustainability Recognition award. Dr. Fitzpatrick has made significant contributions to environmental, social, and economic sustainability at The University of Winnipeg and within the wider community. Her work over the last twenty years has focused on better environmental governance surrounding large-scale development in Canada. She is an expert in environmental assessment and has been involved in reviews of Manitoba’s hog industry, the Keeyask hydroelectric project, and Manitoba Hydro’s Bipole III Transmission Line, among others.


  • Our current goals can be found in our 2017 Sustainability StrategyHERE
  • 有关我们最新成就的详细信息可以在我们的annual performance reports

More information about current academic opportunities can be foundHERE
