克里斯托弗·j·亨利 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1603 2022-08-05T17:15:40Z 利用引导的反向传播选择卷积神经网络进行植物分类 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/2000 利用引导的反向传播来选择用于植物分类的卷积神经网络Mostafa,Sakib;Mondal,Debajyoti;贝克,迈克尔·A。Bidinosti,Christopher P。;亨利,克里斯托弗·J。Ian Stavness,最先进的卷积神经网络(CNN)的发展使研究人员能够执行以前认为不可能并依靠人类判断的植物分类任务。研究人员经常开发复杂的CNN模型以实现更好的性能,引入过度参数化并迫使该模型在培训数据集上过度拟合。在深度学习模型中评估过度拟合的最流行的过程是使用准确性和损失曲线。火车和损失曲线可能有助于了解模型的性能,但没有提供有关如何修改模型以实现更好性能的指导。在本文中,我们分析了模型学到的功能与其容量所学的功能之间的关系,并表明具有较高代表性的模型可能会学习许多微妙的功能,这些功能可能会对其性能产生负面影响。 Next, we showed that the shallow layers of a deep learning model learn more diverse features than the ones learned by the deeper layers. Finally, we propose SSIM cut curve, a new way to select the depth of a CNN model by using the pairwise similarity matrix between the visualization of the features learned at different depths by using Guided Backpropagation. We showed that our proposed method could potentially pave a new way to select a better CNN model. 2022-05-11T00:00:00Z 用于执行视觉搜索的描述性拓扑空间 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1973 用于执行视觉搜索的描述性拓扑空间Yu, Jiajie; Henry, Christopher J. This article presents an approach to performing the task of visual search in the context of descriptive topological spaces. The presented algorithm forms the basis of a descriptive visual search system (DVSS) that is based on the guided search model (GSM) that is motivated by human visual search. This model, in turn, consists of the bottom-up and top-down attention models and is implemented within the DVSS in three distinct stages. First, the bottom-up activation process is used to generate saliency maps and to identify salient objects. Second, perceptual objects, defined in the context of descriptive topological spaces, are identified and associated with feature vectors obtained from a VGG deep learning convolutional neural network. Lastly, the top-down activation process makes decisions on whether the object of interest is present in a given image through the use of descriptive patterns within the context of a descriptive topological space. The presented approach is tested with images from the ImageNet ILSVRC2012 and SIMPLIcity datasets. The contribution of this article is a descriptive pattern-based visual search algorithm. Accepted version 2019-02-02T00:00:00Z 一个描述性的宽容Nearness Measure for Performing Graph Comparison https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1972 一个描述性的宽容Nearness Measure for Performing Graph Comparison Henry, Christopher J.; Awais, Syed Aqeel This article proposes the tolerance nearness measure (TNM) as a computationally reduced alternative to the graph edit distance (GED) for performing graph comparisons. The TNM is defined within the context of near set theory, where the central idea is that determining similarity between sets of disjoint objects is at once intuitive and practically applicable. The TNM between two graphs is produced using the Bron-Kerbosh maximal clique enumeration algorithm. The result is that the TNM approach is less computationally complex than the bipartite-based GED algorithm. The contribution of this paper is the application of TNM to the problem of quantifying the similarity of disjoint graphs and that the maximal clique enumeration-based TNM produces comparable results to the GED when applied to the problem of content-based image processing, which becomes important as the number of nodes in a graph increases. Accepted version 2018-11-03T00:00:00z 一种用于自动生成标记的植物图像的嵌入式系统,以启用机器学习应用程序 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1882 一种用于自动生成标记的植物图像的嵌入式系统,以启用机器学习应用程序贝克,迈克尔·A。Liu, Chen-Yi; Bidinosti, Christopher P.; Henry, Christopher J.; Godee, Cara M.; Ajmani, Manisha A lack of sufficient training data, both in terms of variety and quantity, is often the bottleneck in the development of machine learning (ML) applications in any domain. For agricultural applications, ML-based models designed to perform tasks such as autonomous plant classification will typically be coupled to just one or perhaps a few plant species. As a consequence, each crop-specific task is very likely to require its own specialized training data, and the question of how to serve this need for data now often overshadows the more routine exercise of actually training such models. To tackle this problem, we have developed an embedded robotic system to automatically generate and label large datasets of plant images for ML applications in agriculture. The system can image plants from virtually any angle, thereby ensuring a wide variety of data; and with an imaging rate of up to one image per second, it can produce lableled datasets on the scale of thousands to tens of thousands of images per day. As such, this system offers an important alternative to time- and costintensive methods of manual generation and labeling. Furthermore, the use of a uniform background made of blue keying fabric enables additional image processing techniques such as background replacement and image segementation. It also helps in the training process, essentially forcing the model to focus on the plant features and eliminating random correlations. To demonstrate the capabilities of our system, we generated a dataset of over 34,000 labeled images, with which we trained an ML-model to distinguish grasses from nongrasses in test data from a variety of sources. We now plan to generate much larger datasets of Canadian crop plants and weeds that will be made publicly available in the hope of further enabling ML applications in the agriculture sector. 2020-12-17T00:00:00z