比尔·布海 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1639 星期一,2023年2月27日07:16:50格林尼治标准时间 2023-02-27T07:16:50Z 在古巴CanímarAbajo考古人口中断奶过程的同位素重建:贝叶斯概率混合模型方法 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1640 在古巴佳玛·阿巴霍(CanímarAbajo)考古人口中断奶过程的同位素重建:贝叶斯概率混合模型接近Yadira Chinique de Armas;Roksandic,Mirjana;Nikitović,Dejana;RodríguezSuárez,Roberto;史密斯,大卫;卡尼克,纳丁;GarcíaJordá,Dailys;Buhay,William M.加勒比考古遗址普遍缺乏保存完好的少年骨骼遗迹,过去曾阻止对青少年饮食变化的评估。CanímarAbajo(古巴)拥有大量保存完好的少年和成人骨骼遗体,为完全评估古老加勒比海人口的少年古杂种提供了独特的机会。通过结合两个贝叶斯概率模型的结果来推断出开始和断奶和可能的食物来源的年龄和可能的食物来源,这些模型有助于减少基于骨胶原同位素基于骨骼胶原蛋白固有的古德型古德型重建固有的一些不确定性。 Bone collagen (31 juveniles, 18 adult females) was used for carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. The isotope results were assessed using two Bayesian probability models: Weaning Ages Reconstruction with Nitrogen isotopes and Stable Isotope Analyses in R. Breast milk seems to have been the most important protein source until two years of age with some supplementary food such as tropical fruits and root cultigens likely introduced earlier. After two, juvenile diets were likely continuously supplemented by starch rich foods such as root cultigens and legumes. By the age of three, the model results suggest that the weaning process was completed. Additional indications suggest that animal marine/riverine protein and maize, while part of the Canímar Abajo female diets, were likely not used to supplement juvenile diets. The combined use of both models here provided a more complete assessment of the weaning process for an ancient Caribbean population, indicating not only the start and end ages of weaning but also the relative importance of different food sources for different age juveniles. 星期一,2017年5月1日00:00:00 GMT https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1640 2017-05-01T00:00:00z